

School Operating Hours

The PMA School hours begin at 8:00 a.m. and ends at 3:00 pm Mondays to Friday. Students’ academic and extracurricular work will be guided by a term schedule.


All extra- curricular activities will be done between the hours of 2:00p.m. and 3:00p.m. on Monday through Friday. Students who are not enrolled in  our after school programme  must be picked up at 3:30p.m.

Achievement Records

Achievement Records of Students’ progress should be kept on soft copies as well as hard copies for reference. Student’s files will be submitted upon  their promotion at the end of the school year to the new grade teacher.


Parents or guardians shall be kept informed concerning the progress of their children. If the progress of a student is unsatisfactory in a specific subject area, then the teacher shall schedule a parent –teacher conference.


The teacher shall explain the difficulties and cooperatively develop a plan for remediation which may enhance the probability of the student succeeding.


The school shall issue a monthly report on student grades in the four core subject areas and one in all content area at the end of each term. The evaluation of each student’s performance on a regular basis serves to give parents, guardians and students necessary information to help effect academic improvement. Students’ monthly grades shall reflect only the extent to which a student has achieved the expressed educational objectives of the assessment period.


 Student records that will be made accessible to parents or guardians are:

  • Student’s attendance records.
  • Disciplinary Records
  • Record of Good Behavior  (RGB Cards)
  • Progress Report and Evaluation
  • Tests Scripts and Projects done
  • Individual Parent – Teacher Conference Reports.


Our Grading System

Our grading system for regular testing and end of term examinations and projects is as follows:

A+:    97 — 100

A      94 — 96

A-    90 — 93

B+    87 — 89

B      84 — 86

B-    80 — 83

C+    77 — 79

C      74 — 76

C-    70 — 73

D+    65 — 69

D     60 — 64

E      0 — 59

Meaning of Letter Grades

The grades A to E as detailed in student’s report booklet are based on the continuous assessment of the student‘s course work over the term and also any exams which may have been taken.

A: Excellent: The student has shown exceptional ability, achieving a very high standard in this subject.

B: Above Average: The student has achieved a very good standard and is above the level of competency required at this grade level.

C:  Competent: The student has a grasp of the subject and has achieved the standard required at this grade level.

D: Average: The student is on borderline in mastering the concepts required at this level.

E: Unsatisfactory: The student has failed to reach the required grade level and is well below the standard expected.

Our Bell

Students should be taught to respond to the ringing of the bell promptly. The bell will ring thrice at the following times.

7:55 am ——   Signifies it’s time for students to move orderly in lines to assembly area in their respective classes with their class teacher/s.

10:15 am ——   Recess

10:30 am —–    End of Recess

12:00 pm ——  Commencement of Lunch Break

12:45 pm ——   Commencement of afternoon session

 3: 00 pm ——- Dismissal

Other Times that the bell will sound

Fire or Earthquake Drill Exercises (The bell will ring continuously)

If there is sign of actual danger in the school environment, students will listen to teacher instructions in such instances.


Wet Day Arrangements

Pupils will not assemble in the common meeting area on a wet day. Homeroom assembly is advised. Students must not play outside during a designated wet day.

The principal and teachers concern, will decide when an extracurricular activity should be canceled on wet days.


Religious Activities

The P.M.A is a non- denominational school but we are committed, as stated in our philosophy, in the total development of the child. Hence, to assist in the holistic development of the child we will begin and end our school day with prayers. Holy Bible reading and singing of hymns in our daily assembly.

Principal’s List

Honour Roll

In order to meet the required standard of the Principal’s Honour Roll, a student must reach the required standards.

Academic Requirement—90 -100%

Character Requirement- Not more than 2 demerits in a term.


Honours and Awards

Each year towards the close of the school year, a special assembly is held to honour students for exceptional work done in various subject areas and extracurricular activities. Students ‘Awards are given on the basis of academic standards.

 A student must attain a 95% grade average to receive the Principal’s award. Other awards will be given for extracurricular activities: The Most Improved student, Perfect Attendance or the Most Helpful student, almost others. There is no limit to the number of awards a student may win.


Parents are welcome to attend these award ceremonies.


Promotion Day

PMA has designated a Promotion Day at the end of each school year to honor students who have been successful in the final year exams and are ready to enter a higher grade. Students must obtain an average of 70 % in order to move to a higher grade and cope effectively. We encourage students to work hard to attain to their highest potential. Students will spend one day in the new class on Promotion Day to be oriented.


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Our Primary School

One of the most important reasons why the school is being established is to help fulfill the goals of education in the state of Antigua & Barbuda.


Opening Time

  • Monday8 AM – 3 PM
  • Tuesday8 AM – 3 PM
  • Wednesday8 AM – 3 PM
  • Thursday8 AM – 3 PM
  • Friday8 AM – 3 PM
  • HolidaysClosed
  • After School Programme
  • 3:30 PM – 5 PM

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