

Behaviour Management Programme

Classroom Rules are to go home to parents at each level in the school at the beginning of the school year and whenever there is a change in rules. Rules will be posted in classroom.


It will be a requirement that each teacher will teach the class rules to students. The teacher in the process may explain why we need rules and let students be a part in making class rules.

  • Explain how rules will be reinforced
  • Let students assist in making rules
  • Explain why you have consequences
  • Explain the consequences
  • Check for understanding from all children.
  • Corrective Measures for Students


The school firmly believes that learning best takes place in an orderly environment and that all students can learn individual and collective responsibility within the school setting. This School Discipline Policy is intended to communicate expectations regarding acceptable conduct in order to provide a positive learning environment for all students.


If a student does not respond to these efforts and consistently exerts a disruptive influence on the learning environment of the school, the needs of the other students and staff must become a major factor in planning alternatives. The effectiveness of the rules will be evaluated intermittently.


Our school’s code of conduct takes effect when a student boards a school bus or other vehicle to school, when he arrives on the school premises, or attends school sponsored activities on or off the school premises. Parents are expected to work with the school to help students to obey the rules set out for responsible behaviour.


Some rules by which we will operate to help in the smooth running of our school are as follows:

  • Maintain the highest standard of academic integrity
  •  Respect the dignity and essential worth of others (no teasing name calling, swearing, yelling, no put downs).
  • Keep hands, feet, and objects to one self. (no pushing, pulling, biting, spitting, tackling).
  • Avoid physical and verbal fights.
  • Exhibit such virtues as love, patience, kindness and tolerance.
  • Develop regular habits of cleanliness.
  • Exercise self- control and self-discipline.
  • Respect authority in and out of the school’s community.
  • Be loyal citizens.
  • Be honest and trustworthy in your daily operations.

Record of Good Behavior (RGB Cards)

A behavioral record card will be issued to each student to motivate him or her to exhibit good conduct. Parents will be informed of student’s weekly progress in this area. Parents must sign the card at the end of each week before students return them on Mondays.


A fee will be charged for any damaged or lost card.


General Information

The following are some other regulations set out to assist in the smooth operation of the school.

  • Personal electronic devices will not be allowed at school except a personal laptop computer
  • Regular attendance and punctuality promote students’ success. Students must be regular and punctual daily.
  • A letter must accompany student after each period of absence from school.
  • In event of illness of a contagious nature, a student will not be accepted at school for that period of illness.
  • Upon the child’s return a doctor’s certificate must accompany the student confirming that it is safe to resume classes.
  • Lateness and absences are recorded in a child’s progress report at the end of each term.
  • All work missed during absences must be completed after the student returns to school.
  • Students who miss a class test during an illness will be allowed to take the test on their return to school but the test items will be restructured for fairness.
  • Children must not bring knives to school to peel a fruit. Ask the teacher for help.
  • Students will not be given to an adult whose name is not listed as a person responsible for picking up the child. The school must be notified if there are any changes in the persons picking up students.
  • The school is not responsible for any loss of jewelry that a child wears.
  • The individual class schedule will be given to students on the first day of school.
  • Books issued to student will be the responsibility of both parents and students.
  • Damaged books must be replaced by parents.
  • The administrative office will assist students in taking their medication only if a letter of authorization is given by the parent or guardian of the student.
  • Fire and earthquake drills will be done periodically to assist students and staff to prepare for emergencies.
  • A parent or guardian who has to collect a sick child, deliver items or messages must check with the administrative office before going to the class.

Home Work

Homework is regarded as an essential part of learning and helps students to consolidate skills or to broaden knowledge of a certain subject covered in class. All homework assignments must be recorded in a note book. Parents are asked to check the homework list, assist your child by supervising, without doing students’ work for them. Please check the finished work and sign same.

Homework May Include:

  • Research (intranet and Internet)
  • Journal Writing.
  • Book Report.
  • Rote Learning Poetry/Tables
  • News Items/ local/ Regional /International /weather /sports

Useful Tips on being a successful student

  • You must always believe that you can and will succeed.
  • You must set long term as well as short term goals.

Begin your journey to being a successful student by:

  • Being passionate about learning.
  • Being disciplined.
  • Demonstrating self-respect.
  • Managing your time wisely.


In Class:

  • Be prepared. Bring all your books required for each day, several sharpened pencils, pens and other required tools for school.
  • Listen as your teacher teaches.
  • Ask questions for clarification and for further information.
  • Take notes.
  • Exhibit excellent behaviour.
  • Treat your teachers with courtesy
  • Teach others, in doing so you will learn.
  • Use your free time wisely.
  • Review your notes daily, not only for tests.
  • Use study cards to learn details
  • Make a study time table and follow it.
September 2024


Our Primary School

One of the most important reasons why the school is being established is to help fulfill the goals of education in the state of Antigua & Barbuda.


Opening Time

  • Monday8 AM – 3 PM
  • Tuesday8 AM – 3 PM
  • Wednesday8 AM – 3 PM
  • Thursday8 AM – 3 PM
  • Friday8 AM – 3 PM
  • HolidaysClosed
  • After School Programme
  • 3:30 PM – 5 PM

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