

Helpful Suggestions for Parents

The following are some suggestions we recommend that will help your child to function effectively at school on a daily basis.


Create a Time Table: Make a comprehensive chart for the entire household. This time table will set out what children would do from the time they get up in the morning until they go to bed at night. Let your children be a part of the plan during a family chat.


Homework: Take a look at your child’s school bag daily. Ensure home assignments are completed and that they are clean, clear and correct.

Ensure that all books are always covered and kept in excellent condition.


Attend PTA meetings and any events the school may have. Encourage and support your child’s school and education.


Set bedtimes to allow each child to have at least nine hours of sleep per night: research shows that children who get more than 9 hours of sleep per night perform better at school the next day.


Control student’s hours of watching television.  It is counterproductive to allow children to watch television for very long periods.


Conflict Resolution: A parent must not approach a teacher in the classroom during students’ contact time to resolve issues. If there is a problem with your child and the teacher the principal will summon the teacher to the office where a conference will be held.


Parents must not approach another child to resolve disputes that his or her child may have with other student/s. The problem must be reported to the class teacher or principal’s office.


Student Discipline

The PMA team has a responsibility to protect the welfare of each student and employee.

Discipline should not be confused with punishment. The objective of discipline is to develop a self-regulated individual with mature attitudes and socially- acceptable standards of good conducts

Corrective measures used will depend on the nature of the behaviour, frequency, and the degree to which the student is willing to try to correct undesirable behaviour. Discipline for students may range from verbal reprimand to suspension from school for short periods in some cases.

  • Conferences with class teacher, parents and students, loss of school privileges, and modified school programmes, are some disciplinary actions we will take.



Respect for the dignity of others is a cornerstone of civil society. The intentional harassment, intimidation, humiliation or ridicule written or verbal by students against each other because of race, disability, gender, physical appearance, nationality, health conditions etc. will not be tolerated at PMA School.


School Telephone

Office telephones are for school business only.  Teachers and students should not be called during school hours except in the event of an emergency or specific school business. The school will give its full cooperation in delivering necessary messages as promptly as possible.


Class Libraries

Each classroom is equipped with a library. The library is a place for reading, research or private work. Students are expected to take care of all books and other library materials.


Visitors to the School

Parents / guardians and other visitors, who must pick up a sick child, deliver items or message after school commences, must check first with school security before proceeding to the administrative office.

Parents/Guardians and visitors should secure permission from the office to speak to a student or teacher or to visit any classroom during teachers and students’ contact time.


All visitors are expected to dress appropriately when visiting our school. Revealing clothing is prohibited.


September 2024

Our Primary School

One of the most important reasons why the school is being established is to help fulfill the goals of education in the state of Antigua & Barbuda.


Opening Time

  • Monday8 AM – 3 PM
  • Tuesday8 AM – 3 PM
  • Wednesday8 AM – 3 PM
  • Thursday8 AM – 3 PM
  • Friday8 AM – 3 PM
  • HolidaysClosed
  • After School Programme
  • 3:30 PM – 5 PM

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